Ron Meyers was born in 1944 and raised in a pioneer pastor's home. In July 1965 he began pastoral ministry as a student pastor in a rural community 70 miles from the Bible College he attended in mid-Ohio. From 1996 until 2006 he served as the Professor of Missions and Coordinator of the Master of Arts in Missions program in the School of Theology and Missions of Oral Roberts University. He, with his wife, Char, have served more years outside the US as pastors in Canada and missionaries in Korea, China, and Africa than their years in the US. Since January 2007, Ron and Char have lived in Africa and traveled full-time to Africa, Russia, and India Conducting Empower Africa Christian eadership Conferences. Ron has a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies and Char an Ed.D. The Meyers have two adult sons, one daughter-in-law and eight grandchildren.