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מידע כללי
אתר אינטרנט
Oleg Vilinsky
ירושלים, Israel

בית הישועה

The Lord God of Israel is bringing the Jewish people back home as He promised in Ezekiel 3624-27, where the Lord also promises to take out from us the heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. God also speaks of a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Israelis as He promises; "And I will put My Spirit in You". We are witnessing the first fruits of this move of God now.

It is estimated that there are today in Israel well over 20,000 hard core drug addicts and many more alcoholics. Drug and alcohol addiction is literally a matter of life and death for the men and women caught up in their deadly snare! Government funds are drying up and state run rehab centers are closing as Israel is entering yet another year of deep recession. The only answer for these men and women is Yeshua the Messiah; His love and His power. 

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